You Have to Start Somewhere!

You have to start somewhere, right!? No matter what you do, there's a learning curve. If you've never experienced a learning curve, you must be Rey from The Force Awakens (If you haven't seen the new Star Wars, you probably should. Just sayin') Anyways, THIS is where I started. This was my very FIRST 'senior session'; I say senior session because, this is my brother-in-law :) So pretty much I said, I'm going to take pictures and you're going to help me do it!! I always loved taking photos, but never did much with that. I would take pictures of my dogs, cats, birds..the list goes on, but never actual human beings. This was a stepping stone for me, an adventure. I can't say they're perfect, I used the highest ISO setting plus an 55-300mm lens (WHY!?), but it's so great to look back on these photos and see how far I've come. NEVER give up! NEVER stop! I can tell you, don't strive for everyone else's "perfect", strive for YOU. 

Note : If you would like to use any of the photos below on your social media, please feel free to email me to ask and I can work with you on sending the appropriate files for sharing. Thank you!

Brooke Summers Photography | You Have to Start Somewhere!
Brooke Summers Photography | You Have to Start Somewhere!